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Birds of Play with Audra Kennedy


Join Audra to learn the basics of wool applique and decorative embroidery stitches. You can choose to make the bag or a round accent pillow. She will walk you step-by-step through the process of applying the wool fabric to the background, then using decorative stitches to embellish the figures as little or as much as you like.

In class, we will go over every aspect of the wool applique process, including the embellishing stitches. Then you will be given detailed instructions on how to finish your piece at home into a bag or into a pillow. The project finishes 14” round. There are also opportunities to meet with Audra to get help finishing your project.

You are welcome to bring your lunch and a drink or we will order Steak Out so bring cash if you prefer to order.

Supply List
  • Birds of Play pattern by Wendy Williams
  • Wools and lining as listed on pattern or backing for pillow instead of lining - I used hand-dyed felted wool fabric for the sample including the black background available at the shop
  • White Chalk marker or pen
  • Pencil
  • Blue wash-a-way pen, sewline or dritz brand is prefered
  • Freezer paper
  • Paper scissors
  • Sharp embroidery scissors
  • Cotton floss or wool thread in colors to match your wool
  • Perle cotton threads in various sizes and colors to match your chosen wools - I used size 8 and 12 perle cotton in variegated colors for the sample
  • Size 22 and 24 chenille needles
  • Size 3 milliners needle
  • Size 9 or 10 embroidery needle
  • 18” long ruler
  • Straight pins
  • Washable Glue stick, Elmers or Sewline
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • 10” x 10” white or cream cotton fabric , muslin is fine, to practice embroidery stitches
  • 6” or 7” embroidery hoop if you have one for practicing stitches or you can do them without one
  • Micron pen black or brown
  • Small iron
  • Light box if you have one, there will be some to share

    If you would like a kit of wool put together, please call Audra (256) 337-8223

Skill Level: Intermediate
Skill Details:
Instructor: Audra Kennedy
Instructor Bio: Beginning at age 8, Audra started sewing, by age 11 she picked up cross stitching and soon after, silk ribbon embroidery which began a new love for all things handwork. She started smocking 25 years ago when her son came along and made all of her daughters dresses for many years. She is a current board member of the Alabama chapter of EGA, a member and past president of the Heirloom Smockers of Huntsville, and has served on the board of the Heritage Quilters of Huntsville Guild. She has taught classes in smocking, silk ribbon embroidery, French hand sewing, quilted bag construction, and wool appliqu?. Her interests also include crewel work, thread painting and all types of quilting. With a BS degree in Interior Design from Auburn University, Audra has transitioned from that 30 year career into designing her own wool appliqu? patterns and a series of silk ribbon projects. She is now an award winning quilt maker and is busy teaching and designing new embroidery patterns. Audra is a Huntsville, Alabama native and she and her husband Kevin live there with their dog Lily.
Class Fee

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Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.