Felicity Basics
Joanna Plucknett
Pauline Arnaud
Fresh Morning Medley - Wild Grasses
Fresh Morning Medley - Buttercups Meadow
Fresh Morning Medley - Lemon Drops
Fresh Morning Medley - Petal Dance
Fresh Morning Medley - Floral Geometry
Fresh Morning Medley - Seashell Bloom
Fresh Morning Medley - Up To The Sun
Colorful Blooming 10" Squares
Colorful Blooming Jelly Roll
Felicity Basics - Red Strands **PRE-ORDER**
Felicity Basics - Cream Beans
Felicity Basics - Pink Speckles
Colorful Blooming - 610146
Colorful Blooming - 610142
Colorful Blooming - 610144
Colorful Blooming - 610145
Colorful Blooming - 610148
Colorful Blooming - 610143
Colorful Blooming - 610147
Felicity Basics - Teal Strands
Felicity Basics - Purple Strands
Felicity Basics - Pink Rows
Felicity Basics - Black Speckles
Alpine Meadow- Coralbell 5
Alpine Meadow- Coralbell 4
Felicity Basics - Orange Florets
Alpine Meadow- Coralbell 3
Alpine Meadow- Coralbell 2
Felicity Basics - Grey Florets
Dotty Flora Licorice - 610016