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Finish Your Laura Heine Collage

Keril, our certified Laura Heine Collage Instructor, will be available to assist you in completing your collage. Bring an unfinished class project, or other collage project you need help with. Come to class ready to enjoy the company of other collage enthusiasts.


Don't forget to bring all the pieces to your unfinished collage.


General Sewing Supplies:
Rotary cutter with new blade
small cutting mat (a rotating mat if you have one),
ruler (12" or longer),
scissors for cutting paper and personal sewing items.
Optional - a small travel iron and ironing mat.
You do not need to bring a sewing machine to class; you will quilt and bind your collage at home.

Project Supply List:
Collage pattern,
silicone mat 12" x 18" or larger,
Pattern Ease,
Steam-A-Seam 2,
#2 Pencil or SewLine Trio Marking Pencil,
sharp scissors (I highly suggest a pair of Karen K. Buckley Perfect Scissors (medium or small),
and a lightbox.
Quart and/or gallon ziplock bags for cuttables.

Refer to the back pattern for specific requirements for fabric yardage and other specific supplies for your pattern.

Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Details: Advanced Beginner
Instructor: Keril Rieger
Instructor Bio: Email Address: | 256.698.0872 Keril Rieger is an educator, pattern writer, and an acrylic template designer. She, like most quilters, has been sewing most of her life. She began sewing in junior high school where she designed her own clothing, and broadened her skill when she began quilting in her senior year. In her travels, she teaches her lifelong skill. She teaches with humor, so her workshops are not only fun and educational, but you come away with lots of tips, tricks, and a real sense of accomplishment. If you are a beginner, she will walk you through the process while letting the project be totally unique to you. If you are a seasoned student, she will invite you to think outside of the box, so you have additional skills and ideas to add to your ?toolbox?. Keril looks forward to meeting every group of students with a passion to guide them to a successful journey through their creative adventures.
Class Fee

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Included Materials



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